Curated project based on three pairs of artists from Amsterdam-Madrid rebuild the history of the pond which is located at the Campus de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, based on fake documents.


1_Selection of 6 artists, 3 that are located in Amsterdam and other 3 that is located in Madrid. They will be coupled depending on the matching possibilities that can arise from their works.

2_Dates and schedule. The work-flow will be generated by the communication in between the artists who will put in common their ideas (meetings via Skype). Meeting dates will depend on the availability of the artists and the meeting space.

3_Starting contact before the first Skype Meeting (idea sharing session) that will take place on Saturday 13th of April. Each artist will exchange a portfolio/website with his/her correspondent artist partner and will discuss their project perception. Each team will have to choose between the 3 images that we provide (a photography, a death note and a map) from which one they have to start. Date and time to be agreed depending on the artists.

4_Skype Meetings: Idea Sharing Sessions on the 13th and 20th of April.

5_Project result and presentation during Wednesday’s Pool Session on the 24th of April.

Ruin declaration, rejection and the lack of maintenance of the buildings are issues that worry us. How do we understand the spaces that have lost their value because of defects or damages, when there is a non-use of the building for the purpose for which it was intended? It is a question that can arise in a context of economic and social conflict in urban development, realities in Madrid and Amsterdam, two cities full of ruins and empty spaces.

We don’t know why the pond is empty and we don’t even know why it was built in that moment such an architectural construction in that context.The lack of official documents that clarify the existence and condition of the pond leads us to consider the use of other documents which are fictitious in order to justify its presence at the Faculty. We document an imaginary discourse about its history based on three images: a photograph, a death note and a map of a pond.

The relationships that have appeared within that space along its existence shape out its history and placement. For the same reason we want to do the project with a person which is resident in Madrid, someone who has an easy access and understanding of the space and its context, and another resident in Amsterdam, that has no physical access to the space and whose perception is not as direct, with the aim of contrasting the different relationships that can be generated with the pond.

To see the whole project, please click here


[Video by Zunder Collective]

Ruimtestan Project took place on Wednesday 24th of April during the Pool Session celebrated in the abandoned pond located in the school of Fines Arts of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 



espacio Pool // Is an open group that organizes cultural-party journeys, so called Pool Sessions, in an abandoned pond located in the school of Fines Arts of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. To participate in this activation of the space during the next Pool Session during the 24th of April, we want to work on the project RUIMTESTAN with artists from Madrid and Amsterdam.